The Issue is that You Believe Your Life Shouldn’t Have Problems

The Issue is that You Believe Your Life Shouldn't Have Problems

Scott Davidson - Follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley National Park
Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley National Park

The issue is that you believe your life shouldn’t have problems.

This isn’t an original idea, but it’s an idea that many struggle to accept.

Are you a ‘why me?’ type of person? Do you believe your life should be problem-free? Or maybe you don’t believe that your life should be free of problems, but your life should have less adversity. Why?

You know you can’t eliminate all of your problems. Nor can you expect life to suddenly become fair. Let go of these ideas because they’re messing you up.

Life is beautiful, erratic, uncertain, and definitely not fair.

If you’re mad because your ex just screwed you over, you’re upset because you lost your job, you’re scared because your health is failing, or whatever else, then you are encountering very real problems. Some of these problems are caused by external factors, some brought on by you, but nevertheless these are problems. You may be able to solve these problems, but new problems will arise.

You have the right to focus on ‘why me?’ or to believe you deserve less problems than others, but I am not sure this will help you

I do believe you can help yourself by:

  1. Accepting that your life will always have challenges.
  2. Realizing that life isn’t fair.
  3. Not creating more problems for yourself.
  4. Not tolerating external problems that aren’t necessary.
  5. Realizing that problems can provide opportunities for growth.

The best of us move through life in pain, understand that the challenges won’t completely disappear, accept that life isn’t fair whatsoever, but believe we have the power of response and we can do something positive with our adversities.

I accept that problems will always exist. I don’t deserve a less adverse life more than you or anyone else. In fact, I don’t know that I deserve anything. With each significant adversity I encounter, I attempt to find opportunities of growth as I move forward. For instance, as a child when I suffered and struggled through medical issues, I learned the importance of empathy and for that I am thankful. Life will always have problems, but you don’t have to be a passenger and let these problems take you for a ride, instead, jump over to the driver’s seat and see what you can do with the problems that you’ve encountered. You may find that the problems you dislike provided you opportunities to grow, and you might really value this growth.