Minimalism is a Powerful Tool

Minimalism is an absolutely powerful approach to life when things fall apart.

About a decade ago I received bad news from a doctor. As I sat in the exam room, the doctor told me I had few options. He said I could move towards life in a wheelchair, go through significant surgeries, or stick with the current state of things and that I will progressively become worse. I felt like my life was in a really bad place. I needed an approach to life that could help me move towards a more positive direction. Minimalism became that approach. Read more minimalist story HERE.




Minimalism is a Tool

But know this, minimalism is one tool of several tools I use to improve my situation, yet minimalism is one of the greatest tools I use when facing adversity. This tone is how approach talking and writing about minimalism. I view minimalism as a tool that can improve your life when things aren't great or even devastatingly bad. 


CLICK HERE for more minimalist writings.


Minimalism isn't a Punishment

Minimalism isn't meant to be torture. I don't count my items or force myself into a version of minimalism that involves suffering. I definitely don't vibe with emptying a room just to empty a room. I empty a room for a deeper purpose.

Minimalism is about the rewards. When you empty a room of clutter and sentimental items it's because this stuff isn't helping you live the life you desire. 


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Minimalism isn't just Decluttering Objects

My favorite minimalist practice isn't dumping objects, it's focusing on what I find the most important and minimizing the rest.  


Minimalism Isn't a Cure

Minimalism isn’t a cure, but it can be a useful tool to get you on the path to living the life you desire. In a world where we live in uncertainty with little control at times, when one can encounter endless amounts of adversity, minimalism offers a way to move in a positive direction despite these challenges. Read about minimalism as a tool HERE.


My Favorite Minimalist Topics

love focusing on the essential, spending less, and decluttering. These three minimalist practices helped me go from six figures in debt to no debt. All three practices are easy to understand, tough to implement, and helped me realize my goal. 

I believe incorporating a minimalist lifestyle provides many benefits. By practicing minimalism I streamline my lifestyle in order to live the life I desire and build meaningful platforms. I hope you find value in the resources and writings here.

